Cohen and I planned a 1 week until Christmas party for our little family, we had a lot of fun...
It included
-Tree Lighting Ceremony
-Hobo dinner by the Fireplace
-Attempt to make Gingerbread houses
-And a Christmas Movie
(It's a good thing Dustin is a good sport)
We spent Christmas with my family this year.
Christmas eve festivities included...
--- pInG pOnG CoMpEtItiOn (which Dustin and I would have won had it not been for my overeager last hit in which I failed to recognize the ball did not hit our side of the table.) congrats Carson and Dad!
--- WiI GaMEs
--- MoNoPOlY mOnEy AuCtiOn (Dustin and I had the least amount to bid with, I got a little carried away and almost traded my 1st born for an awesome pantry can organizer...)
--- cHrIstMaS evE JaMMieS ( Mom forgot which packages they were in so we ended up opening way more than just pj's)
--- BeD TiMe ---
Cohen was so much fun he of course LOVED the wrapping paper. I am already so excited for next year.

So I had no idea you had a blog dang it...but I found it and now I get to see pic's of cute little Cohen! I need to see you guys in real life, I am coming to visit...love ya!
ReplyDeleteYour little family is sooo cute! I am glad to see you are doing so well!